

Panchakarma Treatments

    Treatment duration – 28 to 49 days
  • Panchakarma treatment is a complete cleansing treatment that follows the methods of Ayurveda . The five steps of Panchakarma treatment according to Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhitha are Vamana (induced vomiting), Virechana (purgation), Kashaya Vasti and Sneha Vasti (two kinds of medicated enemas) and Nasya (nasal medication). It is preceded by a preparatory process called Poorvakarma. At this stage the body is prepared for removing “toxins” first through Snehanam which make the body oily internally and externally, and second through Swedanam which means therapeutic sweating. Once the preparatory stage is completed, the Ayurveda Vaidya (doctor) will prescribe one or more of the 5 Panchakarma cleansing procedures depending on each individual’s condition. The third and final stage of treatment is Samana or Paschathkarma where the patient undergoes corrective measures through medicines, moderate therapeutic treatments, appropriate rejuvenative diet and activities & austerities. On completion of the Panchakarma treatment, the imbalances in the doshas that lead to diseases in the individual is stabilized and brought to equilibrium.

Weight Management

    Treatment duration - 21 to 49 days
  • Our weight loss program is the harmonious blend of ayurveda, yoga, kalari, special diet to reduce the excess fat, remove toxins and maintaining better health. This treatment for weight loss works by increasing metabolism, which will help in utilizing the fat and increasing the body’s vitality so that less fat is accumulated in the body. Our weight loss program comes with master cleanse, workout and kalari marma chikitsa for outstanding results.

Stress Management

    Treatment duration - 14 to 28 days
  • The treatments for stress management are for relieving from mental strain-stress, insomnia, lack of concentration, fatigue and headaches, and help in improving your mental health. The treatment course for Mental peace is specially designed incorporating Ayurvedic and Yogic science. During the first stage, the body is prepared for removing toxins. Once the body is prepared, the Vaidya will determine the cleansing based on each individual’s body constitution and medical condition. These two stages of Ayurvedic treatment and Yoga therapy will ensure that the imbalances in the doshas (body constitution) are stabilized. The third and final stage of treatment where the body is slowly brought out of the intense cleansing and elimination stage by giving corrective medicines and moderate therapeutic treatments, appropriate diet , yoga asana and meditation to correct and rejuvenate the body.

Rejuvenation Therapy

    Treatment duration - 14 to 28 days
  • Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikitsa) is a holistic treatment for cleansing, rejuvenation and regeneration of all cells and tissues, for mental well-being, intellect and boosting of immune system. Rasayana treatments are done for those who have low immune system and lack vitality. There are two reasons for this treatment: one is to help diseased person get back to normalcy and the other is help a normal person enjoy enhanced vitality, immunity and intellect. This treatment starts with a two-week process of cleansing to eliminate toxins. It is only after this that the rejuvenation treatments start along with the specific medicines and diet. The aim is to arrest the degeneration of body cells and increase immunity. In fact, the treatment helps to keep individuals free from diseases even at an advanced age.

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